Organizational aspects of providing medical care to children with injuries at the regional level
Purpose of the study. To study and analyze the trend of injuries among children aged 0-14 years and organizational aspects of providing them with medical care at the regional level.
Material and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of the municipal nonprofit enterprise «Zaporizhzhya Regional Clinical Children’s Hospital» of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council, and was performed as part of a comprehensive research work «Medical and social substantiation of the model of prevention of morbidity and mortality of children and adolescents behavior»(№ state registration: 0118U003679), performed in the State Institution «ZaporozhyeMedical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine» since 2017. According to the objectives of the study, an analysis of medical histories of patients who were treated in the institution for injuries from 2014–2018.
Research results and their discussion. During the period from 2014 to 2018, 4457 children aged 0 to 14 were treated for injuries and other injuries at the Zaporizhia Regional Clinical Children’s Hospital. The number of injured children during this period tends to increase. It was found that the number of injured among boys is almost twice as high as among girls. The growth trend during the study period, injuries among boys is + 27,1%, among girls it tends to decrease and is -26,1%. The study found significantly more cases of injuries among children in urban areas. Thus, in 2018 they amounted to 82,5%, compared to 17,5% of cases among rural children. It was found that the number of hospitalized children with traffic injuries during the study period increased 5 times. The trend for the study period is +333,3%. The number of children hospitalized due to street injuries has doubled. The study found that the number of appeals during the first hour after the injury in rural areas is 2 times less than in urban areas.
Conclusions. The results of the obtained research became a roadmap for the organization of preventive work at the inter-sectoral level, aimed at preventing the causes of injuries, the organization of timely medical care at the pre-hospital stage.
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