Medical and social consequences of pelvicbrake fractures according to Zoporizhzhia traumatological MSEC


  • I. I. Trufanov State institution "Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • O. V. Tribushnoj State institution "Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • Yu. P. Klyatskij State institution "Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • V. V. Kosilo State institution "Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • G. L. Polyakov State institution "Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine



The purpose of the study. Is to analyze the medical and social consequences of pelvic fractures in combination with polysegmental injuries, study the health care system for these injuries, predict complications and mortality to assess the quality of life of patients with pelvic fractures and other segments (lower or upper limb).

Materials and methods. The examination reports were examined according to the Zaporizhia Regional Trauma expertise commission code ICD-10 codes/manual S32 (Fracture of the lumbar spine and pelvic bones).

Results. According to the Zaporizhia Regional Trauma expertise commission, the number of patients after bone fractures in 2014–2018 is 44 people. The analysis of the material revealed the general tendencies of steady growth of the number of patients with pelvic trauma to disability, which confirms the world statistics. During the period 2016–2019 on the basis of «Сity hospital of emergency medical care» and «City Hospital № 9» were operated on 28 patients with fractures of the acetabulum, of which as a result of osteoarthritis of the hip joint surgery was performed in 3 cases (10, 7%).

Conclusions. Some methods of trauma care need to be improved, aimed at reducing their trauma, as well as preventive measures for the development of general and local complications in victims with combined pelvic trauma, refusal of surgical treatment entails improper fracture fusion and disability


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How to Cite

Trufanov, I. I. ., Tribushnoj, O. V. ., Klyatskij, Y. P. ., Kosilo, V. V. ., & Polyakov, G. L. . (2021). Medical and social consequences of pelvicbrake fractures according to Zoporizhzhia traumatological MSEC. Modern Medical Technology, (1), 36–42.



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