The problem of drinking alcoholic and low-alcoholic drinks in the teenage


  • O. I. Krasnova Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», Ukraine
  • T. V. Pluzhnikova Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», Ukraine
  • O. H. Krasnov Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», Ukraine



Purpose of the study. To investigate and analyze the prevalence of alcohol and low alcohol drinking among adolescents and to propose preventive measures to prevent this phenomenon.

Materials and methods. Used bibliographical, sociological and medical-statistical methods of research. The annual report of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for 2019 and statistics of sociological surveys served as research materials.

Results. The study found that more than 90% of 15–17 year-old students have alcohol, nearly 60% of teens have been repeatedly intoxicated. The most common alcoholic beverages used by 15–17 year-old students recently are beer (57,3%) for boys, and girls – industrial beverages (43,7%). Almost 40% of wine has been consumed recently, champagne and spirits more than a fifth of boys and girls (21,8% and 22,4% respectively). The most common alcoholic beverage consumed by 15–17 year old student youth in any entertainment establishment is beer − it is consumed by 45,4% of boys and 30,9% of girls. Low in alcoholic beverages of industrial production are second in popularity – 28,8% of boys and 35,9% of girls consumed them.

Conclusion. Thus, the overall tendency for adolescent alcohol and low alcohol consumption to be prevalent is disappointing. The main factors that have a negative impact on the situation are: tolerant attitude of the family to adolescent alcohol, cultural traditions of communication in the company, insufficiently formed outlook of a young person to understand a healthy lifestyle.


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How to Cite

Krasnova, O. I. ., Pluzhnikova, T. V. ., & Krasnov, O. H. . (2020). The problem of drinking alcoholic and low-alcoholic drinks in the teenage. Modern Medical Technology, (2), 44–48.



Original research