Purpose of the study: to analyze the treatment results of fracture dislocations of the forearm bones.
Materials and research methods. In the traumatology department of the KP “Dnepropetrovsk Regional Clinical Hospital named after I.I. Mechnikov "DOR" 63 patients with fracture dislocations of the proximal forearm bones has been trested from 2016 to 2020. Taking into account the peculiarities of damage to the stability components of the elbow joint, all patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the type of damage to various anatomical stabilizers of the elbow joint: dislocation fractures of the Monteggi type, fractures of Malgene dislocation (through-olecranial fractures), “terrible triad”.
Results. In the Monteggi fracture dislocation group (n = 24), excellent and good long-term functional results in 16.7% and 45.8% of patients, respectively, satisfactory - in 20.8% and unsatisfactory - in 16.7%. In the Malgeny fracture dislocation group, the majority of patients had excellent and good results - 14 (87.5%), satisfactory - in 2 (12.5%), there were no unsatisfactory results. In the group "terrible triad of the elbow joint" excellent results were obtained in 3 cases (15.8%), good - in 7 (36.8%), satisfactory - in 4 (21.1%), and unsatisfactory - in 5 (26 , 3%).
Conclusions. Stable-functional osteosynthesis with the restoration of bone and soft tissue stabilizers of the elbow joint, with the possibility of active early restoration of the function of the elbow joint, help to reduce the period of disability and give positive results in 84.7% of patients.
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