Psychopersonal characteristics of women with varying degrees of menopausal disorders
The perimenopausal period is the age of the highest spiritual and intellectual development of a woman; therefore, neurovegetative and psycho-emotional disorders of this period acquire a pecial medical and social value and require an interdisciplinary approach.
Objective: to identify the psychological characteristics of women with mild and moderate menopausal disorders in the perimenopausal period.
Materials and methods. A total of 51 women were examined in the perimenopausal period: I main group - 20 patients with a low degree of CS, II main group - 16 women with menopausal disorders of moderate severity; the control group consisted of 15 healthy women. The severity of menopausal syndrome was determined using a modified menopausal Cooperman's index. All patients underwent psychodiagnostic examination using reactive and personal anxiety scales according to Ch.D. Spielberg and J.L. Hanina, G. Eisenko's test questionnaire, the Women's Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire, used the SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study Short Form) general questionnaire to assess quality of life.
Results. In women of the main groups, neurovegetative (14,5±2,6 and 26,6±4,2 points in the first and second groups of observation) and psycho-emotional disorders (4,9±1.3 and 11,2±1,6 points) prevailed. respectively). Hormone levels (FSH, E2, PRL) corresponded to perimenopausal values, but were significantly different from those of the control group. Identified individual-personal properties of women with the CS, in particular introversion and emotional instability. A comparative analysis on the Spielberg-Khanin scales showed that more than half (55,0 %) in the first main group and the majority (81,25 %) of women in the second main group versus 33,35 % in the control group (p˂0,05), a high level of personal anxiety was diagnosed; the average level of situational anxiety was highest among women in group II – 54,83±6,0 points versus 43,2±5,3 points in the first group and 36,3±4,8 points in patients without menopausal disorders (p˂ 0,05). In 24 (77,42 %) women of the main group, sexual dysfunction was detected, while its degree was greatest with moderately severe climacteric disorders. Menopausal disorders of varying severity, increased anxiety and neuroticism, sexual dysfunction affected the quality of life of patients.
Conclusion. Formed psychopersonal characteristics of women with varying degrees of menopausal disorders in the perimenopausal period.
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